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Average daily turnover of Hong Kong shares up 87 pct YoY in September

HONG KONG, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) — Shares in Hong Kong registered a record single-day turnover of 505.9 billion Hong Kong dollars on Sept. 30, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) announced Monday.
Meanwhile, the average daily turnover in September was 169.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, up 77 percent month on month and 87 percent year on year, the HKEX said.
Market capitalization was 36.9 trillion Hong Kong dollars at the end of September, up 16 percent month on month and 15 percent year on year, it said.
In the first nine months, the average daily turnover was 113.3 billion Hong Kong dollars, up 3 percent year on year. Meanwhile, funds raised through IPOs amounted to 55.6 billion Hong Kong dollars, up 123 percent year on year. ■
